Monday, January 30, 2017

My beautiful doll

It is interesting how memory works. I completely deleted from my memory the fact, that when leaving my parents' house I left there (among the other stuff) my favourite doll that I got when I was six or seven.  

My mom found it the other day, washed it and asked me if I wanted to give it to my little niece (who is 5). I said to my mom that I would love my niece to have it, but that she should give it to her since she will see her sooner.  My mom did give it to the niece and the little one just loves it. 

How do I feel? 
The doll was meant for my daughter.

If this happened few years ago, when my older niece was little and when I was still in the middle of unsuccessful IVFs, it would break my heart.

But now? It is what it is. 
And I am somehow glad that there is a little child playing with my doll. Much better option then that I would put the beautiful doll someday to a trash bin.


  1. I am so glad that your doll has a loving home. But I must admit that this post made me cry. I have a whole box of childhood toys that I are just taking up space in a box, but also that I can't bear to get rid of.

    1. dear BnB, I am so sorry that my post made you cry. I also couldn't get rid of them when I was your age. Time heals.

  2. I can't believe how much we have in common! I just gave away my rocking horse that was made by a family member for me when I was little. I was saving it for my kid. But I don't need it anymore. I gave it to my mom to give to my cousin who just had a baby.

    I'm sorry Klara. I'm glad the doll was found when you were in a better place and not in the middle of IVFs. <3

    1. It is interesting, how much we have in common, despite living in other continents. I am also glad that your rocking horse has a new loving home. Hugs.

  3. This was perfect timing, Klara, since your mother did not find the doll too soon! I am happy for you.

    My dolls are still in a box that I keep in our cellar. I recently took them upstairs when my godchild was here. She loved to play with them. I am glad because she will have them expecting her whenever she comes for a visit (and I am actually able to enjoy this now, which is another wonderful thing).

  4. I gave away some things some years ago. I still have some of my much loved books. I should have given my niece, but I never did, and before you know it, she was too old for them. I want to keep them, but equally I want to see a child enjoying them. It's hard, whenever it happens. But I'm glad you can be pleased about it now. Hugs.

  5. I am glad you were ready to give the doll away, and glad that you had someone like your niece to give it to. :) My sister & I went through some of our childhood stuff a few years ago & a whole bunch of it went to the local thrift store or my mother's next garage sale. But when it came to our Barbie dolls, I said, "I don't think I'm ready to let these go." My mother gave me a "look" & said, "I don't have room for all this STUFF." But back into the basement they went. I think I am ready to give them up now though, and I know who I'd like to give them to. I think it makes a big difference.
